Business Books and Manuals

Business Books and Manuals

a picture of some of our business books

Business books and manuals on marketing, sales and leadership can now be easily self published by anyone knowledgeable in their field. Business books will remain on bookshelves and can be in circulation for longer periods of time.

A sales person, writing a book on product selling gains credibility in public engagements, discussions and conferences.  Giving or selling your book at meetings may also help to promote your business and increase attendance.

Providing your manuscript to First Choice Books is only the beginning of the process. We will engage you in the design of the cover and page layout. Editing, marketing and book promotion will also consume a considerable amount of your time. However, these efforts will not be wasted since it makes writing your second or follow up book easier.  provides all the expertise necessary to make self publishing an easy process. If you are knowledgeable in preparing Print Ready Files you will save a bundle and will not succumb to high package prices  charged by our competitors. We offer the same services but at an “a la carte” (get only what you need) price.  Take a look at what we have done for one business professor.


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