Another Revenue Stream for Your Published Book
There is yet another revenue stream for your published book. Technology is moving in the direction of everything digital. The future promises hand-held reading devices that will be able to hold hundreds of eBooks at a time.
When you sell your eBook on the internet, it is instantly available to the whole world, not just a few bookstores. Anyone from any country, at any time, can buy your eBook, and download it instantly!
There are many distinct benefits to eBooks and First Choice Books is offering you many of them. It would be a good revenue stream for your published book.
Authors can easily alter the price of an ebook, on Amazon, from the regular price to a bargain of $0.99 cents in seconds. Authors sell at least twice as many copies at 99 cents of their book than at any other price. We will set you up on Amazon. You can also run a promotion sale at 0.99$ depending upon your genre. Thus you can build reviews for the book and can test out cover designs – by releasing two or more covers at once. Also your book could make it to the “bestseller” list. These would all benefit your book sales.
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